I’ll definitely take these ideas and suggestions into consideration, and I’ll contact a few places to see if they will charge for usage of their building. If anyone knows anyone who could assist with planning a get together, please, let’s get something going for those of us who would enjoy and benefit from this. Extracted from […]
Fantastic: Family is a few hours away.
Sounds like a fantastic idea. I’m in the same boat. My friends and family are a few hours away and I don’t really know anyone here. It would be nice to get together with other people in a drama free environment that isn’t necessarily religious. Extracted from Sallisaw Neighborhood Association Page
It’s hard to meet people.
I think this is a great idea. It’s hard to meet people otherwise. Extracted from Sallisaw Neighborhood Association Page
Good suggestions
Are you thinking couples, singles or both? I do like your suggestions. Extracted from Sallisaw Neighborhood Association Page
This would be great. I know several people that would appreciate and participate in this! Extracted from Sallisaw Neighborhood Association Page